
Not-Really-Secured Vestibules No Match For 12-Year Olds With Guns


We’ve written several posts about what a stupid and money-wasting idea the “secured vestibules” for Park Ridge-Niles School District 64 schools are, including posts on 03.11.16, 03.29.16 and 04.04.16. The sad fact is that they are so stupid and ineffective that we took to calling them “not-really-secured” vestibules.

Which they are.

We also suggested that metal detectors and either police or security guards (off-duty police?) would be more effective and economical than those not-really-secured vestibules in dealing with any actual threats.

So we weren’t at all surprised to hear those not-really-secured vestibules talked up in response to the wailing and gnashing of teeth in the aftermath of the recent incident where one 12-year old Lincoln Middle School student, along with a 15-year old fellow knucklehead/delinquent, posted some kind of gun-related threat to Maine South summer school students on Snapchat.

It also came as no shock that D-64 Supt. Laurie Heinz, her puppet Board president Tony Borrelli, and a few School Board members reacted to this incident as if they had just woken up in the middle of a minefield without a minesweeper.

When a parent of Washington and Lincoln school students showed up at last Monday (July 17) night’s School Board meeting and beefed about the four-day delay in the District’s notification of D-64 parents about the incident, then asked what plans were in place to prevent school shootings, Borrelli jumped at the opportunity to assure the woman and everyone else that the Administration has been so concerned about security that it is installing those not-really-secured vestibules – thereby “increasing the security atmosphere in all of our buildings to prevent these kinds of horrible events should they occur,” according to an article in this week’s Park Ridge Herald-Advocate (“Parents concerned after learning District 64 student was accused in Maine South threat,” July 18).

Note that bit of Orwellian Doublespeak: “[T]o prevent these kinds of horrible events should they occur.” [Emphasis added.]

President Borrelli, your Freudian slip is showing.

Making sport of Borrelli’s shortcomings as School Board president is not a fun assignment, but it’s something that needs to be done – if only as an object lesson in the kind of bad government we tend to get when we keep electing open-minded, non-judgmental, glad-handing “pleasers” who immediately “go native” and become witting or unwitting dupes of the bureaucrats we are paying quite handsomely to blow smoke up our kilts and mislead us while positioning themselves for their next job.

Can you say non-resident carpetbagger Laurie Heinz? We knew you could.

That’s why it’s so easy for Heinz to lead Borrelli and certain other Board members around by the nose, getting them to blow around $1 MILLION per school for these not-really-secured vestibules that are so worthless that…wait for it…they couldn’t have stopped either that 12-year old or his 15-year old partner had they shown up at any D-64 school with guns and ammo in their backpacks.

As we’ve pointed out many times before, the lack of metal detectors effectively gives students, parents, teachers, vendors, service people, etc. carte blanche to walk into any D-64 school “strapped,” “packing,” “heeled,” “heavy,” “Roscoed,” or any of the myriad other terms for walking around with a gun.

Nor will those vestibules stop those same people from bringing in knives, grenades, or ball bearing-laden suicide vests.

And for anybody hell-bent on shooting schoolkids, all they need do is drive by the playgrounds at recess, or the main entrances when school lets out and the schools themselves create target-rich environments.

So what’s the point of the not-really-secured vestibules?

Giving the Board and the administrators an excuse for spending millions of taxpayer dollars to create a façade of top-shelf security that merely conceals the vulnerability.

Not unlike their spending tens of millions of taxpayer dollars creating a façade of top-shelf educational quality.

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6 comments so far

I wonder if somebody is getting greased on these security deals, because I agree with you that this makes no sense.

EDITOR’S NOTE: While making no sense, we still don’t see this as a Barbara Byrd-Bennett situation – where the CPS Supt. steered over $20 million in no-bid contracts to friends in exchange for more than $2 million in bribes.

On the other hand, we don’t have any recollection of the D-64 Board getting seeing competitive bids before making FGM Architects the District’s “architect of record,” engaging Nicholas & Associates as its construction manager, and hiring RETA Security, Inc. as its security consultant. So the possibility of vendor gratitude might not be totally beyond the realm of possibility.

What I hate is this never-ending teaching of fear and victimhood to our kids. Read the comments on Facebook from Chicken Little parents who think the sky is falling and don’t know if they can send their kids to Lincoln, to Maine South, etc. because there might be another 12 year old with a gun out there. What a bunch of snowflakes. they should try home schooling.

And while we’re at it, has our police dept. asked the kid’s parents how the kid got his hands on a gun? WTF?

Are these punks being charged as adults? That would wake up these idiots very fast.

EDITOR’S NOTE: At this point we wonder whether or not they will even be prosecuted as juveniles.

What the heck is Kaminski talking about putting an officer in Lincoln for 4 hours a day for a couple of days a week, at a cost of $20,000? That sounds asinine, as does the D64 Board’s and Administration’s responses to it.

I guess that goes to show that if you start with a dumb idea (secured vestibules) it will get even dumber through implementation.

I too am concerned about the safety of children going to school. Just like the safety of children swimming outdoors at Centennial Pool with see through chain-linked fencing, walking to/from school, going shopping at a grocery store, going to a birthday party as some pizza joint, attending a summer camp via the Park District, and going to movies with friends. How do we allow all of this to happen without a vestibule? I know, let’s provide all children with their own private and portable vestibule to keep them in a permanent safety bubble.

At what point did the common sense gene become extinct? We need real leaders at our schools and not most of these current spend money therefore we fixed “it” common sense deficit people. This also goes to the common sense deficit parents who think these “fixes” really solve anything. For those that do, please keep you kids at home until they marry or move away and in the meantime DO NOT answer the door for any reason until the kids move away! Problem solved!

EDITOR’S NOTE: As Forrest Gump’s mama used to say: “Stupid is as stupid does.”

ANONYMOUS ON 07.24.17 11:24 AM

Spot on. The helicopter parents want no expense spared for their little darlings as long as the rest of the taxpayers pay the lion’s share of the cost. Kathy Pannatoni Meade is the walking talking poster child for that kind of parent.

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